Tuesday 20 September 2011

Having not ventured into the blogging world before I am going to attempt my very first blog to see what it comes out like and it is as follows...

So we are three and a half months or 101 days, 1 hours and 14 minutes to be precise, away from our nomadic journey around the world! To say we are excited would be an understatement of course! Speaking for myself I feel mostly so excited that I could spontaneously combust at any moment tinged with the odd bout of fear where I want to cancel it all and stay in sunny Coventry! (Don't worry, this is only a fleeting moment and I soon regain my sanity!!)

Having read other peoples travel blogs, spoken to friends who have travelled, read the lonely planet guide, the rough guide guide and googled into the night, I am still expecting to be completely unprepared but I guess in a way thats the beauty of it all! The most consistant advice we have been given is to make the trip our own so that is what we will do! Another piece of advice recieved was to go and see the dead Vietnamese President who has been pickled....not sure what to make of that one! I'm assuming as we are going to India way before Vietnam our stomachs will be Strong like Bull by then and a pickled prez will be somewhat normal!

At the moment there is honestly not much I can blog about. Go to work, come home from work, go to work...well you get where I am going with this! So I probably wont blog much before hand as it really wont be a thrilling read for you! So I will say good bye for now!